About Us
Attendance Information
Reporting Your Student Absent
If your student will be absent. Please call our attendance line at 209-574-5100 ext 7210 or email us. You can leave a voicemail. Please say the child's name, teacher and reason for the absences.
Thank you
Absent Due to Illness
- If your child is ill with a fever, vomiting/diarrhea, or has an infection requiring antibiotics, please call the office to report their absence.
- Children should be 24 hours symptom free before returning to school.
- If your child tests positive for COVID-19, students must remain at home. On the 5th day after testing positive, students can retest and come back to school once the test is negative. Free test kits are available in the school office. Students no longer have to quarantine from a close contact exposure.
- For students out ill for 3 or more consecutive days, it is recommended that the parent have a note from the doctor clearing the student to return to school and to excuse the absences.
Absent Due to Doctor/Dentist/Orthodontist Appointments
- We would like to encourage you to schedule your child’s appointments during non-school times so students don’t miss out on important instructional time with their teachers in the classroom.
- Upon return to school, please have your student bring in a note from the doctor, dentist, orthodontist, etc., to excuse the absence
Absent Due to Necessities Other Than Illness
- Independent Study Contracts are available for students who may be absent for 5-20 (five to twenty) days due to necessities other than illness, surgery, etc.
- Call the office to find out if your student qualifies for an Independent Study.
- This MUST be done at least 5 (five) days prior to the first day of the absence.
Independent Study Contracts must be approved by the classroom teacher and the principal. All work must be completed by the child and turned in to the teacher on the first day the student returns to school. No partial credit will be given. Incomplete work will result in unexcused absences. Independent Study Contracts are not available at the beginning or the end of the school year.
February 17
February 19
February 26
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