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Stockard Coffee Elementary School


Hello Superstar Students, Families and Community Members,

On behalf of the Stockard Coffee Team, I would like to thank you for your love and support.

I am thrilled and privileged to serve our Superstar learning community! It has been busy, but so rewarding, to watch our students continue to grow, learn, and shine like the true SUPERSTARS they really are! Every single day is different; yet everyday I get friendly waves, high fives, and 'hellos' as I walk the halls and supervise such phenomenal scholars.

This is my 10th year in education and I am so happy to be part of the Stockard Coffee family! The past few years have been challenging for all of us. I am grateful for the patience and flexibility of our parents and staff - who work together to support this wonderful learning community.

Student safety, attendance and academic success are top priorities. We also have a focus on Social Emotional Learning (SEL) as well. We offer many academic interventions and supports to ensure all students are accessing our curriculum. We are seeing many academic improvements and we look forward to a continued rise in progress.

We look forward to continuing to welcome our parent volunteers and to provide parent engagement opportunities throughout the remainder of the school year. We also enjoy family involvement and communication through the use of opportunities to connect to the school such as our school website, email, and AERIES. Be sure to check out our school calendar for upcoming events!

Stockard Coffee Encourages good attendance. Students should be at school on time everyday and avoid missing school as much as possible. We encourage vacations to be taken during breaks from school. Our School Counselor and administration will continue to contact families, as needed, to help support them with improving student attendance.

As we continue to engage with our school-wide focus on social emotional learning and behavioral expectations, I look forward to the academic, social and intrapersonal progress our students will make.  Linked HERE, you will find our Stockard Coffee STAR expectations. This is a program that we focus on school-wide to enforce positive behavior. Feel free to review the poster with your family.

Thank you for being an integral part of our educational learning community! We appreciate your continued support as we work together to inspire our students to reach for the stars and achieve their goals! If you have any questions, please feel free to email me and/or call the front office. The phone number is (209) 574-5500 and my email is Once again, thank you for all of the love and support! I am honored to serve as your principal!

With Gratitude,

Missy Xavier


Sylvan Union School District

Stockard Coffee Elementary School






Upcoming Events

February 17

Lincoln's Birthday

All Day Event

March 4

Parent/Teacher Conf.

Start: Mar 4, 2025 End: Mar 6, 2025

Multi-Day Event

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