Frontline Aesop Absence Management
What is Frontline Education Absence Management (formerly AESOP)?
Frontline Education Absence Management (formerly AESOP) is the nation’s leading automated substitute placement and absence management system, serving more than 4,000 districts nationwide. As Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Aesop does not require any hardware, software or phone lines at the district. Instead, all personnel can access the service through the phone or internet anytime, anywhere.
Frontline Education Absence Management (formerly AESOP) saves countless hours of manual sub-calling, while capturing rich data for better employee absence management. Aesop also saves data entry time by integrating with other software applications.
Frontline Education Absence Management (formerly AESOP) provides:
• Automated web and phone-based substitute placement
• Real-time absence data and custom report-building
• Easy data integration with other software providers (payroll, HR, etc.)
• Reduced absenteeism through 24/7 tracking and accountability
Employees register their absences at any time, either by calling a toll-free number or by logging in via the web or a mobile device.
Substitutes search for available assignments anytime, either by calling a toll-free number or by logging on via the web. Aesop will also notify substitutes based on preference lists managed by the district, school or teacher.
- Employment
- Calendars - Academic and Work Year
- Job Descriptions
- Contracts
- Frontline Aesop
- Certificated Professional Growth
- Leaves
- Salary Schedules
- Worker's Compensation
- Insurance Information
- Title IX
- Uniform Complaint Procedures
- Classified Transfer Request Form (opens in new window)
- EAP Employee Assistance Program (opens in new window)
- Employee Forms
- Employee Annual Notifications (opens in new window)
- SB 533 Workplace Violence Prevention Plan
- COVID Guidelines
- COVID-19 Data and Resources
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